Delma Dale Haralson

BBA 1959, HSU Trustee

Delma Dale Haralson was born August 7, 1937, to Delmar and Adah (Barber) Haralson in Colorado City, Texas. He grew up on a farm 10 miles north of Loraine, Texas, with older brother, Hal, and younger brother, Kenneth. Family life was built around the First Baptist Church, 男孩们和他们的父亲一起在400英亩的家庭农场工作.

After graduating from Loraine High School in 1955, 他的母亲1928年毕业于大陆博彩平台(Hardin-Simmons University). Active at HSU, he served on Student Council, was president of the Colt Club and the Rifle Team, vice president and president Pi Kappa Delta, 是男子辩论队和新男子宿舍委员会的成员. 他在牛仔乐队演奏长号,在1958年的USO巡演中随乐队一起旅行.

Haralson received an ROTC commission as a U.S. 陆军少尉,1959年毕业于中山大学,获学士学位.B.A. degree in business and a minor in economics.

Following graduation, he reported for active duty, completed the basic officer’s course, and then went into the Active Reserve. 在亚利桑那州国民警卫队服役七年, he rose to the rank of captain, 1966年,作为连长被评为亚利桑那州国民警卫队优秀军官.

1959年退役后,哈拉森被德克萨斯大学法学院录取, then later transferred to the University of Arizona, where he completed his juris doctorate in 1963. 为了读完法学院,他做过各种各样的工作, which included working cattle for his uncle, Bob Barber, who was an Arizona attorney and rancher. 他还在洗车店、服装店和加油站工作过. Upon being admitted to the Arizona State Bar in 1963, he went into practice in his uncle’s law office.

In 1965, he married Betty Hackney, a native Arizonan. They welcomed daughters Kristi in 1970 and Wendy in 1972. 作为一名有执照的飞行员,他和他的家人喜欢飞行、水肺潜水和滑雪. 1995年,他和贝蒂在前往圣地的途中在约旦河受洗.

Haralson之所以选择成为原告的出庭律师,是基于他在高中二年级时感受到的一种召唤. 他知道上帝想让他成为一名基督徒律师,为需要帮助的人辩护.

In 1970, 启动哈拉森职业生涯的案件是针对通用电气公司的,原因是该公司的家用热水器设计有缺陷,导致原告洗澡时身体35%以上的部位被电灼伤. 陪审团退还了亚利桑那州所有伤害或死亡案件中最高的奖金.

后来的案件包括当时该国最大的死亡赔偿, 在1973年一起针对南太平洋铁路公司的案件中,一名男子在农村社区的铁路道口被杀. Then in 1984, he took on the U. S. government, and won. A $2.600万美元的赔偿在联邦法院达成,这是一个具有里程碑意义的案件. S. 20世纪50年代和60年代,居住在露天核弹试验附近的10人死于癌症,政府对此负有责任.

Haralson has served numerous associations and boards, 包括担任亚利桑那州审判律师协会主席和美国审判辩护委员会成员, the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice Board of Governors, and the Civil Justice Foundation Board of Trustees. 自1976年以来,他一直是the Western Trial Lawyers Association的理事会成员, serving as president, vice president, secretary, and parliamentarian.

他曾在亚利桑那大学关节炎咨询委员会任职, was a member of the Tucson General Hospital Trustees, 并继续积极参与基督教运动员团契,担任其国家委员会的名誉受托人.

Active in the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Haralson是该组织的研讨会发言人,并在1981年担任副总裁. 在担任副总统期间,没有人反对当选总统, Haralson was diagnosed with throat cancer. After chemotherapy, two surgeries, and radiation treatment, he chose not to run for further office in the association. 他的医生说他只有不到5%的生存机会. He attributes his recovery to the loving care from Betty, 许多来自大的朋友和当地教会的祈祷, and the healing power of God.

Haralson的决心和努力使他度过了癌症的摧残, 而他继续为那些被大公司伤害的人争取权利. He has received numerous awards and honors, and in 2010, 被亚利桑那州司法协会授予终身民事司法倡导者奖以表彰他47年来对民事司法制度的杰出倡导.

他是峡谷德尔奥罗浸信会的长老委员会成员,他和贝蒂都是那里的成员. 他的女儿们给他带来了五个孙女(其中一个现在是HSU的学生)。, 戴尔承认他很高兴被他生活中的女人所统治.